Monday, August 12, 2013

What You Need To Do When Working Out and Eating Healthy

The way you eat is important when you work out. If you're overweight, you need to control your portions as you exercise and eat healthy, when your not obeice but not skinny eat healthy, but do eat a good deal, not too much though. When you're skinny, eat healthy, eat a lot, and keep working out until you notice some gain your arms. I'll help you out here.

When you eat, you need to balance things out, and you should probably avoid eating a lot of beef. That goes for stake and potato's every night, oh, and don't even think I'll leave out the regular pork chops. If you eat like that in the first place, it's your own effing fault your fat. Now if you do that every night and hit up the gym for those regular six hundred pound bench presses, I'll tell you I have some respect for you because I'm pretty sure your muscles are six times bigger than mine, but my advantage is, is that my heart valves are going to last longer than yours. *sticks tongue out* 
   But if you just sit around and eat like that, chances are you're well over weight. I myself love a little pork or fried chicken every now an then, but not three times a week like that McDonald's habit you and I have been discussing since the beginning of this blog.
   So I'll give some food tips for the skinny, the fat, and the in-between.
For The Skinny:
   If you have a problem with being skinny, it makes you uncomfortable, and you want to get a little bigger, food needs to not be an option be a priority for you. I come across this problem in the youth of America almost as much as obesity. So if you're skinny, get off your weak bony butt, start eating. You will go nowhere if all you eat is a bag of chips, a coke, and two pizza rolls once a day. If you're skinny and weak and you don't eat much, you don't have the nutrition to make your body become strong, and you aren't taking in enough to supply you with and replace your muscles with something more.
   So get away from the video games, and go outside and start doing something. Also, drink a lot of water. I'm going to cover that topic in my next post, beware because I'll tear faithful soda drinkers to pieces on that one.
   So yes, if you're skinny, eat before you work out, eat some more, work out some more, and sleep. You really should understand that eating is actually what makes you grow. I'm sure most of the people who have this problem, haven't become tall, because they don't eat enough. Or because they're too fat and their spines have become compressed from the weight. Simple? Yes.
   Also, when you're skinny, you have an advantage heavy people don't, you don't have that excess weight weighing you down, so all you have to do is get stronger. But you do have to get a little bigger.
   Another thing is, is if you eat healthy, but you're the kind of person that's nothing but fruit and salad at every meal and your head is disproportionate to your body because your rib cage it actually smaller than your head, go to the pantry, grab something with grain, iron, protein, and calcium, and eat it! Ok? Do it now!
   And also, don't just eat fruits and vegetables all day long for when you're snacking, you can go healthy with other things to side by those fruits and veggies. Crackers, cheese, a little poultry or fish maybe, not much, nuts, dried fruit, those all help for the daytime snacks.
   It really doesn't matter if you having midnight snacks, but that's if your looking to gain fat which you probably don't want to do. Because if you go from skinny to fat, you're going to be out of shape either way and I won't be there to sympathize you, I'll be standing there laughing.

For The, Challenged With Weight Because They Can't Give Up Their Mayonnaise And Butter Addiction: 
   That title I just put up there is meant will all due offense because I could really care less if you like me or not because I probably won't meet you any time soon in my life. Now if you're a friend of mine that I might make in the future by chance, you can probably take a fat joke. If you can't, that's not my problem, that's yours.
   When you have the problem of being a little heavy or a lot heavy, you should probably consider controlling your eating habits and balancing out your diet and eating a little better. If you've been eating healthy for some time, but can't get rid of the weight, it's time you start exercising, that will help. (Tip: Leg raises take the fat off like a cheese grater and build abs like a Trump building.)
   You need to stop eating unhealthy, that goes for eating out a lot, and eating a lot of ham and cheese. It's really simple if you're over weight, cut back a little, eat a little better, and start exercising. You'll feel better, you'll look better, and you'll be able to do things better.

For The Proportionate To Their Size But Are Still Out Of Shape:
   Get off the couch, stop playing video games, stay away from the computer, keep your phone in your pocket, don't take a nap, and go outside and start working out. 
   There are few of you that eat badly because if you eat badly, you're either outrageously skinny or overweight. But if you're one of those people who are normal, but eat badly, start eating better because when you eat good, you feel better, and when you eat good, you perform better on exercises.
   It's very simple and not hard. And eat the normal amount you do, just healthy. Got it? Good.

Work with these tips, and keep in shape my people, exercise and a good diet will give you a long life.

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