Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dietary Needs For Exercise

Right now, I'm going to talk about physical health concerning nutrition. Nutrition lacks with a lot of people in today's society as most all of us know.

   Here's some things you all need to know, junk food is bad for you, if you eat out a lot, you're going to not be happy and you're going to feel like the trashcan on the side of the house. Like you're full of bad meat and Grandma's expired prune juice.
   Not eating healthy when you work out will prevent you from having the energy you need as well as the natural supplementing required for proper muscle growth. Whenever I over hear people talking about how they have not eaten fresh food in over a month, I find it quite disturbing. Especially since that causes to not be, "regular". But becoming regular is a discussion for another day. *smiley face*
   Considering a lot of people don't eat well and continue to work out, they would probably do a lot better than they're doing if they started eating well. Here's an example, if you take a person, who's trying to do eighty push ups in a row, and somebody else with the same goal, and they went at for about six months nonstop, they would progress. But say the one person doesn't eat as well as the other. Their diet consists of pizza rolls, hot dogs, cheese cake, candy, and things of the like. Now the other guy, eats things like, fresh bacon, eggs in the morning, salad and cold cuts during lunch, potato salad, beans, and spaghetti with fresh sauce and is an avid fruit and veggies eater for snacks.
   The guy who's diet consists of the processed foods is not going to progress as well as the guy who eats fresh.
   Now if you're into bodybuilding and eat out at McDonald's and steak houses every day you work out which is six times a week, that's your fault if you want to die of heart valve failure. Seriously, you want proof of that, go watch the CT Fletcher Story on youtube. That is one heck of a guy.
   So take things like your starches and carbohydrates. A lot of people eat a thing called empty carbs. Empty carbs are something that's been purged of its benefits. Things like white bread, white rice, it won't benefit you well. A lot of people eat sandwiches for lunch, so when you get your bread, don't buy the cheap white bread, go for say the honey wheat or soft wheat, and if you want that extra power and can stand it, whole wheat.
   I grew up on whole wheat, so I'm fine and alive when I eat it. I actually prefer wheat bread when I eat. Honey is also a favorite of mine. If it's white and it's a grain, chances are it's not going to power you. So go for things that either say brown, dark, or whole, or wheat. White is a bad word in the world of grain, all it really does is fill your stomach with something and you end up pooping it out without anything being taken from it.
   Another thing is, when you exercise a lot, unless you're trying to get super big, avoid a lot of meat. Fresh fish, chicken that's not fried or grilled, things like poultry and fish are excellent sources of energy for exercising. And if you going to do stake, make it the lean stuff, but don't get addicted to it. All kinds of meats are good protein suppliers.
   And then for protein you have dairy products and eggs. Eggs are super good, but don't eat too many of them or else you'll get fat or look like one of those guys on muscle mag. Trust me, muscle mag may be cool because of how strong those guys are, but it's hard to get a date when you can curl fifty pounds with your eyebrow. I haven't been there.
   When I work out, my favorite thing to eat before I start pumping iron is an egg sandwich with cheese melted onto the bread and mayonnaise. Sure I'm being a bad influence on the kids, but it's just so good! And especially even better when you have some bacon on there, oh yeah! But I do that like once every six months.
   But yeah, eggs, those are another thing to eat when you're into exercise. Tuna is good as well. Another thing is potato's when they're not deep fried. If you eat something like mashed potato's or a baked potato without all that butter and grease and salt, it's actually really good for you because professionals have proved, potato's get your insulin flowing, and that's something you really want when you work out. I'm not the biggest fan of potato's, but I do eat them on the occasion. It's kind of like asparagus.
   As told time and time again, there are plenty of foods that are good for you. In fact, there are more good for you foods than more bad for you foods. Did you know that? Probably not.
   So your diet needs to be balance out when you exercise. Juice all you want, I really don't give a horses backside about juice though because I think it tastes horrible as well as shakes. I eat my fruit and vegetables my way, and you drink yours your way.
   So anyways, that's the dietary talk for now. I'll start giving more instructions on exercises a little later on and some more instructions on meals and things like that if anybody wants to know.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think of this? :)
