Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fitness In the First Place and How You Need to Start

Welcome to The Fitness Cookie. This is a blog specifically discussing needs and required habits for the basic entry into fitness. This will be your entry, but soon enough as you get deeper into the blog, you will find new posts and new things and will go deeper and deeper into fitness which belongs to all who are capable of bettering their physic and becoming happy with themselves mentally and physically.
   Now the base of things you must be concerned about pertaining to fitness and getting started with it are few in number, but each topic has much to be covered. It builds things, and those things so happen to be as listed.

.Actually doing it

Further more, fitness builds your self confidence. It will also make you happier and better looking to yourself and other people. The human body was designed to go outside and do things, it was designed to consume beneficial things instead of greasy, sugary, salty, and fatty foods that will cause it to deplete in it's worth.
   The topic of this post is to start fitness now. So I will tell you how to start and the ways that you desire to become better and happier with yourself.

There's a state of mind all of us reach when we want to become a better version of ourselves and feel better. That state of mind is important to reach if you want to get into shape and feel better and become stronger. Or if you want to progress to new levels of fitness that you have not reached, you will need to have a strong desire to reach those places in your mind to physically become better than you were.
   So when do you start? This question arises quite often and many many people will ask me when I'm talking about fitness, "Where do I start? How do I start?"
   Those are two very prolific questions. People also ask me for tips and such on exercises to become stronger and how to do them and which way of doing them is better and how to build into them. I understand it's difficult to get into shape and to become stronger. You will also occasionally be slightly discouraged when you start because you are where many people are, at the beginning, and it's very hard.
   Nobody is going to make fun of you for starting and making yourself better. What they will make fun of is you not doing it. It's an unpleasant fact of life and you have to get over it. This is something I hear as well, "I don't like going to gym and doing the exercises that make me big because I'm small."
   Well gosh dang it! Those big guys that you see over there who are benching 400+ are the ones that are going to pick the bar up off of you when you can't push it off your chest! Any person who is strong, is a person who has been where you are. They are a person that has been weak, someone who started, someone who couldn't even do a push up. We are all born into this world, not being able to do push ups.
   It's your choice to be able to do push ups or not. So make the choice now. Will you start? Or will you stay?
  It's difficult to start, but it gets easier as you make healthy eating and exercise a habit in your life. The motivation you have to start will be the motivation that makes you get on the pull up bar or the monkey bars at the park two years down the road and do a few pull ups just for fun! You will get there if you start now! It is your choice to start, your choice to do, your choice to be motivated, your choice to be strong, your choice to be happy, and your choice to make those choices and many more that come with fitness.
   I will tell you something about your choice making, fitness is hard work, but life is hard work when you are not fit. Being fit makes life easier, easy life makes being fit hard. But without the challenge of fitness, how can you have the results as desired and become stronger?
   So start now, don't be a lazy bum who sits around with nothing to do. If you want to be strong, you know you need to be strong. I say need because that need means you will be happier and feel better. Now go out there, and do it now! Make the choice! And better yourself today! Every time you do something, you get better at it, and it's easier next time.

For further questioning on topics of fitness, email me at, Cookielovesfitness@gmail.com

-The Fitness Cookie

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