Monday, August 19, 2013

High On Life and Avoiding The Poisons of It

A lot of people find themselves in the midst of substance abuse. It's dangerous, addicting, and leads to a ruined life of no progression. If you have a problem with something like this, you really should look at yourself and consider how much better you were off before you started doing what you are doing. Those things that make your body feel really good for a short time and then leave you in the worst of a mess after withdraw are some of the most dangerous things you could get yourself into.

   I'm going to give you a list of things that you shouldn't be doing if you want to be in shape and live a long time.

.Synthetic drug abuse (worst)
.Prescription medication/narcotics abuse and steroids (the second most dangerous)
.Paint/marker/glue/anything that could give a rush when inhaling addictions (that's just stupid if you do that)
.Natural drug abuse (marijuana mainly)
.Tobacco (plays a large roll in weakening your lungs)
.Caffeine in large amounts

I'll crack down on you caffeine addicts to start out. There are instances where caffeine might be necessary in an all night job or something. But that's for people who might actually need it more than want it. I'm here to talk about people who have a need to have it right now or somebody's going to die addiction. There are a lot of you out there, don't think I'm stretching it because I'm not. 
   Things like five hour energy, Monster, Rock star, Red Bull, Volt, are all stupid things to be drinking if you're going to exercise. If I see somebody working out and they're guzzling something pumped with caffeine, I think, "You bucket of unintelligent-" I'm not going to finish that sentence, it wouldn't be right of me.
   If you drink a lot of caffeine before a workout, you have the danger of a crash. All throughout the country, people die on the weight sets because they've consumed caffeine for energy instead of natural substances or their actual adrenalin that's supposed to be the thing powering you. And when they're filled with caffeine, they go over to the weight bench, put on a few hundred pounds, and have a caffeine crash. If you have a caffeine addiction, you should probably cut it out. Sure you're going to get some nasty migraines for about two weeks, but afterwards your work outs are going to be a lot safer and you won't have that chance of crashing on the side of the road when you're running or falling off your bike or dropping a seventy pound dumbbell on your foot. Sure that's a little extreme, but it's happened before. A caffeine addiction isn't really a substance abuse, but it is something you have an addiction towards, so if you're addicted, and you're going to the gym pumped up on Volt, you need to stop it right now, because that's bad for you, and in some cases, dangerous.

I'll give you the lecture on synthetics even though you've obviously heard it before. They destroy your brain, they make you violent, you get seriously addicted, and chances of a slight overdose killing you are high as well. The withdraws are violently painful, they shorten your life extraordinarily, they take away thousands of irreplaceable brain cells, the make you physically unable after so much time. These take away the most important things you need, your brain cells, your ability to learn, and your ability to be in control of yourself.
   Crystal meth (ice) will make you violent. I've seen people on it. It will also make your decisions far worse than if you were dry. Heroin, that high, that feel good high, will destroy you. Because of how good it feels, and how bad it feels after breaking away for short breaks of time, you will become violent to get it, you will go to extremes to getting it if you can't afford it, and it will  destroy your life.
   All other forms of synthetics have pretty much the same effects and are just as dangerous some even worse than others because if you do it wrong it can kill you. So avoid synthetics. Those are the worst you can get into and the most addictive.
   Synthetic substance abuse=you are an idiot.

Narcotics abuse is extremely dangerous and among the most common. Because on certain things, an overdose will kill you, just stay away from the pain pill bottles people. You control yourself, and you're stupid enough to get addicted to something that was even prescribed to you in the first place, you need to go see a therapist after you put yourself in rehab.
   If it's been prescribed to you, that's a different story. You still need help as much as the person who stole it does. Because narcotics can be such a dangerous addiction, not as much as synthetics, it will alter your ability in thinking clearly because you have an addiction and your freedom to choose is at stake because you're hooked on something and can't get off of it. 
   Narcotics addictions go for performance steroids and other things of the like. If it comes in a pill, and you're addicted to it, you might want to talk to your doctor, and if serious enough, get yourself into a detox program or rehab.

I've heard of people sniffing things like glue, markers, and other crap that you can actually get a rush off of. I'll be short and concise. You are a downright idiot if you're sniffing something like that. Got it? I didn't say you were unintelligent because most people are unless you suffer from mental retardation which in most cases can't be avoided. But I'm saying you're not making a good choice. It's your choice to get addicted to something like that, and it's your own hole you've dug yourself down into and can't get out of. So please, don't sniff glue, marker, and/or anything else that might impede your mental and physical being.

Natural drug abuse isn't good for you. Most people I've encountered who smoke pot are usually uneducated and don't really have a role in life they exactly want to play. Their usual way of saying things is, "I can get rich with my guitar, not school." If it's green, and has been grown, it's most likely a lot safer than synthetics. I'm not encouraging you to start smacking on the beloved grass sticks though, those things are still not safe! Natural drug abuse weakens your teeth your mind. You won't have the physical performance you so desire either. If you want to be strong and healthy, and there's some kind of natural dug being waved in front of your face. I have a few words for you remember about that. No, no, no, no, and um, let me see, NO!

Tobacco is a pretty simple category to cover. Smoking causes lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer,  lung weakness, tooth loss, and probably butt cancer as well, no joke. Just chewing it will cause throat cancer, tooth loss, and mouth cancer and a few other things. Tobacco isn't healthy and it's not for ingesting in any manner. It's good for cuts scrapes and bruises, but that's it. If you saw what the inside of a cigar and a cigarette looks like, some of you have, you might say, "Hmm, looks like they stuck horse crap in some paper and thought it would be fun to burn and inhale." So no to cigarettes, they're not good for your lungs. I have a pretty strong pair of lungs myself, and if they were destroyed because of tobacco smoke, I would cry. Just keep in mind that nicotine ruins your lungs and teeth and breath and skin an everything of the like. If you like yourself every time you look in the mirror, don't smoke, because you're going to ruin that wonderful picture frame you see.

Next up is sugar. Sugar is an addiction that children can easily fall into as well. It's near to the same of alcohol when consumed in such large amounts. Not too long ago from this post, I went to the movies with some friends and consumed a five ounce box of Nerds in less than two hours, and came home and crashed on my bed. Sugar crashes are kind of like caffeine crashes. But when you have a sugar crash, you kind of just, go down and you just can't make yourself move. Also if you eat sugar a lot as a daily habit, most mornings you're going to wake up like you're having a light hangover. That's what we're going to call a sugar hangover. So too much sugar will also cause your body fat percentage to spike up as well. You're intake must remain in moderation, not a gallon of it every time the chance might even possibly exist.
   The only difference between sugar and alcohol is, is that alcohol is sugar in its purest of form. Your body can't handle sugar in its purest form, so if you eat a lot of sugar at one time, it's kind of like drinking an extremely alcoholic beverage, a lot of it. The only other difference is, is that you don't get drunk, but a sugar hangover is pretty similar to an alcohol hang over. Sugar in moderation, just like grease and fat and salt.

One of the more common topics is alcohol. This is a bad habit, a way of poisoning your body, and shortening your life. Yeah, sure, you can go to the gym and get big and strong, you can go running everyday and be able to pull off a marathon, you can be the best dancer on the floor, you can be the best athlete out in the field, alcohol won't affect that in your early life. But in your later life, it's going to make things a living hell unless you stop right now.
   Alcohol will break down your insides and make them not work as well in the future. It destroys brain cells and alters physical performance and heart functioning later on, your stomach lining and intestines won't be what they should be, your liver will get destroyed and fail, your kidneys aren't going to be able to handle it either. If you're going to be physically fit, I'm pretty sure you want to have your kidneys and liver so you can eat your healthy foods. No to alcohol.

So there are all of the harmful substances I can cover for you, the only one I would say you should be taking in is sugar, and it's best you do that through the more natural foods instead of candy and danishes.  Keep your body in the best of condition you can, because if you treat it well, it will treat you well. If there's something you want to do to make your life better, it's get in shape, and stay in shape. Do, don't just think about it, don't just consider it, do it. By doing it, I also mean resisting these harmful substances I've labeled. Alcoholics, drug addicts, smokers, sugar addicts, chemical sniffers, (yes you're on there) it's all a bad idea. Keep out of it, and keep in shape.
   Get high off of life, don't get high off of something that will give you the wrong kind of rush and leave you a mess afterwards. I myself love nothing more than to get high off of life itself and eat a ham sandwich afterwards, it's a thing I have. Do get high off of life, you'll love it, and it's good for you. When you get high off of life though, you need to put other things into consideration such as the strength of your mind. But that's a topic for another time and another place. Enjoy that exercise, and enjoy that strength, and when you hear somebody say enjoy it while it lasts, don't be the person to say it, be the person to prove the person who's saying it wrong by making that strength and that energy last.

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