Sunday, August 11, 2013

Exercise No. 13 Squats

I'm skipping all of the core exercises everybody knows about such as crunches and things of the like and getting into technique for squats and things like that.
   Squats are easy, and make your legs look pretty darn good. There are ways you can do these to get big legs off of body weight, but if you're looking to get big legs, I'll give you some tips on the weight set when I throw out some of those tutorials for those of you looking to get a little more toned and stronger. Let's start.
There are multiple ways to do squats, and there are probably more ways being thought of. 

   For all of you people out there who do shallow squats, get over that shallow and go deep! Because the more you go down, the more of a workout you will get. 
   To start out if you can't gain your balance properly, just do squats like you would with a barbell, go about halfway down and come back up. 
   But if your doing body weight, go down to the Indian squat position. It will take a bit to get a good balance before you're able to do anywhere from fifty to a hundred fifty of these. 
   Those do cause a little discomfort when you're not used to them and you've done a lot in one sitting. It's kind of like cheesecake for the first time. So here are some other squat variations on getting bigger legs.

Pistol squats:
   Like you see the guy in the picture doing, pistol squats are where you do a squat on one leg. It takes a little balance.
   When you first start doing squats with intentions of moving on to pistol squats, it's recommended you be able to do at least twenty five Indian squats (that's what I call them, maybe that's what they're called, I really don't know) before you do one pistol squat, which is hard as fuzz. 
   So when you do this, it will be some time before you find your perfect center o gravity. When you go down on your first try, only go about halfway down a few times before you go all of the way down. If you need a little balance help, lean against a wall with one hand just enough to maintain your balance. Over time you will get it and become better and better.

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