Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Exercise No. 3 Tuck Planche

This should be concise and to the point. As the tuck planche takes some time to learn but is beneficial and an excellent prerequisite for handstands and anything involving supporting the body on just the hands. So how do we do this? Let's begin.
To begin, you should be able to perform an L sit with ease and pseudo hold which would be a planche with your feet as added support. Each for at least ten seconds.
   To begin in the tuck planche, you need to be aware of your back positioning to keep it straight, most people will think it's a frog stand but the difference is you do a tuck planche with your knees between your elbows, not on them.
   So bring your knees between your arms, keep your elbows straight and maintain as straight of a back as possible, lift your knees from the ground for little increments of time to get used to the feeling, and then soon enough, start trying to hold.
   When you hold the tuck planche, your shoulders need to be over your hands, face your hands sideways to avoid hyper-extending your wrists and pull your knees to your chest. In the beginning your knees don't need to touch your chest, but as you bring them up, work to pull them up as high as possible to perform a clean fully tucked tuck planche.
   Work at your own pace and just take your time. This is very beneficial for your progression in other moves so have fun and be safe.
   -The Fitness Cookie

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