Friday, January 24, 2014

Tougher Each Time

Exercising toughens you up. It makes your body harder, stronger, and more able to respond to shock better and take jolts of energy far better than someone with a weak body.
See that picture? That's from one of my favorite movies there, one of the best in my opinion.
   If you notice, a boxer can take hit after hit after hit because their bodies are so incredibly tough. The reason for such handling of incredible stress is not a secret but a fact. Muscle, and a good amount of it. Say you have an, er, soft middle. Somebody punches you in your, "soft", middle. You're probably going to get really winded.
   Now say you started doing crunches and leg raises and a whole bunch of other things to condition your core and make it strong and it's about ten times stronger than it last was. Somebody decides to hit you in the stomach again, and their fist pretty much deflects off of your sweet new abs.
   Now the thing is, muscle provides a barrier of shock resistance in your body. The reason it's there is to protect things like your intestines, kidneys, liver, and so forth. It's also there to obviously make your body move.
   But with muscle comes pain resistance. Pain will be scarce in your life if you take up fitness. Now yes it will hurt when you get sore from a workout. But I'd rather feel like a bunch of split rubber bands pulling back together than land on my butt after getting pushed over and have a bruise for three weeks.
   Muscular structuring from vast exercise also prevents bruising. Any kind of bruising, unless you have a habit of busting your shins up on your bike pedals at the skate park. Then you can't do anything about it.
   Be strong, it makes you tough.

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