Monday, January 27, 2014

Supplementing Can Taste Good

More talk on supplementing for a healthier system.
Now I assure you that if you supplement from vegetables and grains and things of the like, your face won't look like that. The only thing you'll notice is that your skin will have about the same texture. Nice and smooth.
   So you can supplement with fruit smoothies, juicing, and cooking the right foods. You just have to know how to do it. A lot of people know how to do it right, and some know how to do it wrong.
   If you just slurp down protein supplement shakes, your muscles will become incredibly massive, yes, but, they will be lacking certain things if you're not cramming in the veggies and fruits and grains and animal products.
   Now I understand that a deal of exercise enthusiasts so happen to be vegan. I personally couldn't make myself do it because my body requires too many calories and kinds of proteins and fats with what I do to be one. A deal of you out there are the same, smacking on the salad, but also having an egg or two in the morning and some kind of meat a few times a weak. And then there's the group who says, meat twice a day, no other way to go.
   We all have our views and way of eating and nobody eats the same things the exact same way as other people. We all have our ways we like things and our ways that we don't like things. So when we supplement, why not enjoy it? 

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