Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Exercise No. 22 L Sit Push Ups

Yeah I know, sounds kind of different from any other exercise you're doing on body weight. But take my word for it when I say that this is a fantastic exercise to become stronger and more stable with.
For this, you need to have a decent ability to hold this. This doesn't call for much balance, just control and strength.
   Prerequisites are that you should be able to move your legs around at least a little bit during the L sit position and you can do it on your finger tips. If you can't hold it on your fingertips due to weakness in the hands, just work on fingertip push ups for a while until you're somewhere at about twenty of those.
   So obviously, you go onto your fingertips for more range in motion. You're not looking for short little bursts of popping your body up and down, you want some distance between the ground and your butt. So move to your fingertips and go into L sit position and then try dropping down slowly at first.
   You can't hold your legs out in a perfectly straight alignment for this exercise, because your feet will hit the ground and mess you up with it. So try it out, try going down, and then pushing yourself back up like you're picking up into L sit position.
    Just move up and down, if you fold your legs into lotus position at first when you do this that will help with strengthening your abdominals for the exercise, but after a bit you'll be able to do it with your legs out.
   Not easy, but works out the core, triceps, and deltoids. After being able to do these, you'll be able to L sit tricks and stuff where you split your legs, move them around in circles and crap and you'll be an L sit beast. So have fun and keep your body strong.

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