Thursday, January 16, 2014

Inner Strength

Inner strength is something that people don't really think about all to often when exercising. You have your muscular strength, which is outer compared to your organs. Your heart, your lungs, blood system, all of that is what I'm going to say is your, inner strength.
When people are exercising and they haven't done so for an extremely long time, sometimes they complain about being out of shape because their chest hurts. I can come up with a few reasons for that.
   The lungs are usually weaker than they should be, unable to keep up with providing air for your body throughout blood stream, so they're overworking and cause discomfort and pain. As well as the heart is lacking in strength. It can't pump blood that hard and fast without beating at unnecessary speeds, and when your heart beats at such speeds which it's not meant to do, it hurts.
   Now, when your body is strong, your heart and lungs are strong, that inner strength spreads throughout your body bringing you to new limits and feats of strength.
  A strong heart has no problem beating fast, but not too fast, because it can pump blood easier and faster than a weak heart.
   Strong lungs take in more air at one time than weak lungs, and don't require so much because the body isn't working over time, resulting in less need for so much air.
   People who are strong inside are usually in less pain. Strength makes you able to handle the stresses life throws at you far easier than if you weren't strong.

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