Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Exercise No. 20 Human Flag

Something fun to do, whenever you see a flag pole or a fence and you want to impress your friends. Also a double work out in a sense since your using your biceps on one side and your triceps on the other and a ton of your core.
Like you have no idea how much of your core goes into this unless you actually know how to do it. So I'll help you out, this is fun to do, not dangerous if your careful, and very impressive to the ladies, or guys. Depending if you're male or female, or pansexual which I seriously doubt you are. Let us learn how to do a flagpole!

You need to be able to do a crap load of pull ups for the bicep strength as of using your pulling arm, it helps if you can hold a one handed handstand against the wall with your leaning arm, and you should probably be able to do some really good leg raises and window wipers.
   You can't be the person who just got into exercising if you want to learn how to do this. You have to be somewhat experienced in exercise.

1. Find a flagpole, or a fence, or a playground, generally speaking a sturdy object that won't fall over. Hold one hand down on the lower part of the flagpole or fence like an underhand pull up, and then place your hand higher, like you're doing a really wide grip overhand pull up.

2. Now comes the hard part, the very hard part. Being able to get your body up into the position you're holding it.
   Lift your body up, you're going to have to jump to get into this position at first. For beginners you need to hold your body up at a ninety degree angle, or at a pike position which is a ninety degree bent angle at your hips.

3. To do it straight, try it out with one leg extended, work on holding it that way, and then when you get comfortable with that, extend the other leg. You won't be able to hold it for more than a second at first, but over time you'll get better and be able to hold it longer. So keep practicing.

Have fun, and stay strong.

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