Friday, January 3, 2014

Limits of the Human Body

Limits are something a lot of people talk about in fitness, and going past limits you know you shouldn't cross can be dangerous and harmful, but also, if you work to go past them safely with care and learning, you can create limits of your own, that most people and yourself will be unable to see because they're so far off.
Limits were created so that the human body will not get hurt. And most of us can easily tell where our limits are. In fact, we have a defense mechanism built in to where we are scared to go up to our limits. You have to train yourself to not be scared to go to your limits.
   You can also train yourself to make your limits become scarce in portion. There are many people who you will see and notice that, limits mean nothing to them. For instance, gymnasts, people who do tricking, people who do parkour, contortionists, and most of all, bboys.
   If you think parkour or gymnastics is past normal limits, your mind will be changed ever so greatly if you watch some of the greatest bboys ever to mark their names on the dance floor. Proper movement to music yet the combination of artful movement in strength and power. It's incredible what you will see people do when their limits are only a mere figment of their imagination.
   Now Limits in strength are one thing, limits in landing from very high up are much different. Proper limits such as not being stupid enough to jump from a thirty foot wall onto a concrete surface are very important to follow, because you shouldn't do that, it's stupid.
   Breakdancing though, I've seen people go to such vast limits in movement that they throw themselves into the air and do a full rotation with their legs split apart and land on the ground as they keep spinning. They time themselves just right, understand their movement just right and pull off things that most humans would never dream of getting into.
   Now if you're looking into testing your limits, I recommend you talk to your doctor before you get into anything of the like. Also, if you have a past of health issues, such as obesity, arthritis, and other things, your limits will be very obvious to you.
   If you're in your later age, I'm talking mid fifties and up, it's going to be a little harder to test your limits, but if you're very healthy, go ahead dang it! Learn hand hops or tumbling!
  Usually, the people who are the best at testing their limits in body movement, would be the people have had a past of what I call extreme twerpism. Meaning they're really skinny and light, and on occasion, pretty short. I have a past of twerpism, I'm just really tall. It's different when you're tall, people don't expect you to do certain things, they say that's not possible because it's harder. But in complete misunderstanding, I have no desire to let myself become limited. It took twenty minutes for me to learn how to do a front flip, and two years to start doing fingertip planche push ups, and three days to start riding a unicycle around my neighborhood.
   The power of the mind has so much to do with your limits. My strength has been well earned from becoming strong and well limited. You have to earn your lacking in limits, you have to make yourself strong to understand, and you have to make yourself know where they are, but just how far you can push yourself until you hit them.
   It's not easy learning your limits, but if you have a passion for discovering how far you can go with them, you're very different from everybody else. For an example of someone who does not have many limits, look up those ultra marathon runners who will do one hundred mile marathons. They are some of the most incredible and strongest of people to ever run, not walk, the face of this earth.
   Your limits are where you place them, and they're where you want them to be. Learn them, and you can move past them into a new realm of limits.

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