Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tricep workout (from the top down)

So to get a good tricep workout in, you have to know which exercises to do. Because most people don't really know what kind of tricep exercises there are to do with body weight, they tend to not do them very often. But I'll give some that will cause you to see gains in size and strength.
There are various things you can do to get good tricep gains, with body weight and weight plates. Again, I advise overhead presses and bench presses for this, no dumbbell kick backs because those are stupid, tricep extensions with heavy weight are good, and anything that is a form of a press is good for your triceps.
   Mainly go for the medium to high numbered sets for size gain and high number of sets low number of reps sets for strength gaining
   Now to continue with the bodyweight section of this. I have a few things. Tiger bend push ups, straight up tiger bend, any kind of push ups, planche push ups, handstand push ups, regular push ups, tap push ups, clapping push ups, and dips.
   Anything where your arms support your body weight will be of some benefit to your triceps. Specifically tiger bends on parallel bars, tiger bends on the ground, and dips will all workout your triceps.
   There's really no level to this unless you're talking tiger bends in handstands which you can eventually learn with time, practice, and gaining in strength.
   So I'll give you sets and numbers that you can start with and work your way up from. Levels of Easy, Intermediate, and Advanced, and Very Advanced.
   Now the tiger bend if you're wondering is much like a push up, but your arms go inwards and to your sides. Like you're doing a really crappy planche but with your feet on the ground.

Easy: 1. 3 Sets of 5 ground tiger bend push ups.
         2. 3 Sets of 10 tiger bend push ups on bar about mid to lower chest height, bench, chair or against the wall.
         3. 1 Set of as many dips as you can do.

Intermediate: 1. 5 Sets of 10 ground tiger bend push ups.
                     2. 5 Sets of 25 tiger bend push ups on wall or bar.
                     3. 2 Sets of 5 dips on parallel bars or straight bar.
                     4. 5 Handstand push ups against the wall.
Advanced: 1. 4 Sets of 20 tiger bend push ups on ground.
                 2. 4 Sets of 30 tiger bend push ups on bar or wall.
                 3. 4 Sets of 8 dips.
                 4. 2 Sets of 10 Handstand push ups against wall.

Very Advanced: 1. 5 Sets of 25 tiger bends against wall or on bar.
                          2. 5 Sets of 12 to 15 dips.
                          3. 5 Sets of 25 tiger bend push ups on the ground.
                          4. 2 Sets of 10 Handstand push ups without the wall.
                          5. 5 Handstand tiger bends parallel bars or on the ground.

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