Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shoulder Workout (From the top down)

I'm going to give you some excellent shoulder exercises here, ones that will make your shoulders get a strength that just lifting weights and doing push ups can't give you. Shall we begin? I'll talk about the exercises and give a routine to work with.
Now as we all know, to get strong, or big shoulders from body weight, you must do a high circuit program. This isn't so much as a body weight program to get your shoulders like Arnold's or Ronnie's, but to get them nice and strong and to have a control in your shoulders that most people don't have.
   To get big shoulders from body weight, yes, lots of handstand push ups, planche push ups, tuck planche push ups, handstands, planches, flag freezes, all of that stuff. I'll talk about how each exercise targets the muscular structure of your shoulders.
   So as we all know, any kind o shoulder exercise works out the triceps and pectoralis minor or pectoralis major. But certain exercises are about seventy five percent shoulder. Handstand push ups for example require mostly if not all shoulder.
   If you want big shoulders, and don't have the choice of using a weight set, you always have body weight to your advantage, and as much of it as you want. Now I'm not saying get fat and then start working out, that would be ridiculous for obvious reasons.
   So you can try a lot of crazy things, and these crazy things will make you a beast! Now shoulder size depends on your genetics. We're simply going for strength here because with strength comes size obviously. To make your shoulders strong, you work slowly into things, but you do things that involve intense movement and shock that will make them stronger.
   So I'll give you four shoulder workouts based on difficulty. Easy, intermediate, advanced, and very advanced.

Easy: 5 sets of 5 pike push ups. 
         5 sets of 5 push ups.
         Tuck planche practice.

Intermediate: 3 sets of 20 pike push ups.
                    Hold handstand against the wall for 15 seconds.
                    Eat pie.
                    3 sets of 10 tuck planche push ups.
                    Handstand practice.

Advanced: 3 sets of 20 pike push ups.
                 1 minute of handstands.
                 10 Handstand push ups against the wall.
                 5 Handstand push ups.
                 5 sets of 10 tuck planche push ups.
                 1 handed handstands against wall. 20 seconds on each arm.

Very Advanced: 25 Handstand push ups.
                          30 Tuck planche push ups
                          5 Planche push ups.
                          2 Minutes of handstands
                          15 seconds of planches.
                          30 Handstand push ups against the wall.

Now these help build up the entire shoulder system. The reason why I put handstand push ups against the wall, is because the help build up your rear deltoids because even with handstand push ups, your chest will be the one side of you pointing to ground mostly, and there will generally be more front deltoid in that exercise.
   Enjoy, once you move past the levels of these exercises, you can start working to your abilities and seeing where your limits are and how to become stronger in the movements you find yourself struggling with.
   Also, overhead presses, bench presses, all of that are good for gains in shoulder size. Dumbbell presses and barbell presses together offer for excellent gains. To get somewhere, you have to work hard, that's how you get strong, with a lot of weight, a lot of shock, and a lot of work.

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