Friday, March 14, 2014

Bicep Workout (From the top down)

So your biceps, located in the front part of your arm that guys usually brag to their friends about every time you do a series of curls with 20 pound dumbbells. These muscles can become considerably large with a series of calisthenic exercises and weight exercises.
Now I'm not saying you have to look like that guy, if you do, good for you. But the idea is to gain strength, and get some toning done in the process. You don't have to work so hard to where you're borderline popping veins and crap as well as being sore all of the time.
   To make your biceps stronger, it's not that hard, just a simple workout, usual circuit of working out, and proper rest since you're going to be working all of your other muscles out.
   Weight training makes your biceps become larger, by far more than you can fathom by just doing pull ups and levers. It's considerably simple, you just have to do a high circuit, high intensity, high resistance, high weight, program if you want your biceps to swell.
   So I have the four usual levels concerning intensity levels and so forth. The first two are good for people just looking to get in shape, and the last two are hard, and very hard.

Easy: 1. 2 Sets of 3 pull ups
         2. Do 1 pull up, stop when all of the way up, and hold for 5 seconds 3 times.

Intermediate: 1. 3 Sets of 5 pull ups.
                    2. 2 sets of 2 L sit pull ups.

Advanced: 1. 4 Sets of 10 pull ups.
                 2. 3 Sets of 5 L sit pull ups.
                 3. 5 Muscle ups.
                 4. 5 Archer pull ups on each side.
                 5. 2 Front levers each for 2 Seconds.
                 6. Try a back lever, doesn't really matter if you can get it yet or not.

Very Advanced: 1. 4 Sets of 20 pull ups
                          2. 3 Sets of 10 L sit pull ups.
                          3. 5 Sets of 5 muscle ups.
                          4. 3 One arm pull ups on each side.
                          5. Hold 6 front levers for 5 seconds each.
                          6. Hold 5 Back levers for 5 seconds each.
                          7. Hold pull up position for 10 seconds on one arm on each arm.

Now like I said, feel free to get involved in weights, workout your muscles with free weights as well to work your muscles out. Get a feel for things, and progress in both ways. 

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