Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Best Thing For Us All

Here's something for you to think about. You don't have to choose just one thing to focus on, be it exercise, music, writing, art, or whatever it is you do. You can do as much as you want to do.
I've met people so involved in doing what they love that they have absolutely no time for the boring mundane things in life that most people consider living. Whereas these people that are doing what they love, are the ones that are actually living life.
   You could be a couch potato, or the guy or girl who's riding two hundred miles on their bike every Saturday, working as a music veterinarian during the week, feeding homeless children during your after hours, taking your family across the country in an RV during the summer time, skiing down mountain sides in the winter, and constantly unicycling with any possible chance that comes your way while you go down the book club three times a week.
   It's fun to do what you love, so who's going to stop you? You don't have to choose just one. Hobbies are different than relationships.
   Now you can either consider fitness a hobby, or something you force yourself to do because your doctor told you to if you want to live another ten years. It's all about whether or not you love to do what you do.
   To be a healthy person, mentally, and physically, you need to have at least one thing in your life that you love to do. When you do something you love, it allows you release of the negative energy inside of you.
   Negative energy can be dangerous in all cases, so to expel it we must do something we love, and something that is good for us. So I'm not talking let loose in the evenings, party and drink all night long, I'm saying find something that will make you happy, something that gives that ability to experience alone time and reflect on things and let the mind wander in it's natural ways.
   So think about it, go find something you love to do, it doesn't just have to be one thing either, get out of the house, move away from the office for a bit, whatever it takes, do something you love and you'll feel better.

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