Friday, February 21, 2014

The Planche Challenge

For those of us who are crazy, and have hydraulic shoulders, this will test your planche abilities. Shall we start?
Please make sure you're strong enough to perform certain movements as of they may be dangerous and harmful to those who are not yet ready for such feats of strength.

1. Perform straddle planche for 15 seconds.
2. Perform fingertip straddle planche for 10 seconds.
3. Perform 5 planche push ups in a row.
4. Pick body up from ground in planche position and hold for 5 seconds.
5. Perform full planche for 5 seconds.
6. Perform 5 planche push ups in a row.

Do you hurt now? Probably. Have fun trying to do this. It takes a while to get there.

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