Saturday, February 22, 2014

Explosive Power

The level and way you expel your power in a movement is done in one of two ways. Either explosively, or over time. Explosive power is important to have if you're a fan of extreme calisthenics, and doing things like double flips and high jumps. All in all though, it's good for your body to have that kind of power in reserves.

In advanced calisthenics, ongoing explosive power is a big factor. In general calisthenics to just be in shape, you'll use it once in a while but not all too often.
   Now if you're looking to get all swolled from body weight, explosive power will be your best friend. That and one armed front levers.
   Repetitive motion of explosive power is how you do such things as break down your calves to make them sore and build stronger ones. Because your calves are usually a harder muscle to break down, things like explosive workouts are good to work on those. For instance, if I do about thirty front flips over the course of an hour in one of my tricking/idiocy sessions, my calves will be nice and sore the next day.
   Now be careful with explosiveness, you can get hurt if you use it wrong. The idea of explosive workouts is to work in your boundaries, but to cause your body to get used to unusual amounts of shock. Unusual and boundaries are two different things in exercise.
  Boundaries are something to stay within, something to test, but something to be careful of as well. Pushing the limits to an unusual weight or movement is what unusual usually is. Get my vibes?
   Working to bring up your explosive power is done by practicing it itself, not just doing exercises to bring it up. Now don't get me wrong, those exercises to bring it up are very important and beneficial. In fact, I don't where I would be if it weren't for pistol squats and multiple plate dead lifts.
   Explosive power all over is just like balance all over. The more the better.

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