Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Muscle Density

The thingy with muscles being heavy and stuff, yeah, that's a subject. So let's talk about it! Important news, muscle density isn't something you need to worry about. It comes with hard work and time yes, but, you should not worry all too much about it! Because your muscle density doesn't really matter unless there's an imbalance in it.
Yes the picture is a block of metal. If you're asking that question, you're probably not very smart. Why metal? Well, it represents density. Not the music, just the substance.
   Your muscles will be dense no matter how you work them out. Question how big they will get. Regardless of your shape or size, generally your muscles will be more visible the denser they become unless you like to lift weights but eat like a horse that came off a grass only diet and don't do any cardio. Then you'll have dense muscles covered in layers of fatty tissue that's not attractive.
   Male or female.
   You'll look all over and see guys who workout, a lot, but they can't keep away from the cheeseburgers and milkshakes, so they're dense, and then they have the extra weight on top.
   But, you also have the thin healthy people who work out like beasts, and look like them.
   And last, you have those who are stocky with great genetics for massive muscles and look like Greek Gods without having to work as hard as the other guy and can lift twice as much without a problem.
   So whether you run twenty miles a day and do push ups and pull ups, or yank five hundred pound barbells from the ground like a forklift to a pillow, your muscle density will usually be the same, if not slightly different, but the size will. The reason weightlifters are so heavy is because they have a lot of super dense muscle, and a lot of it! But they're bone structure has become denser and wider as well. So it all work outs together and depends on your structure.
   Density is nothing to worry about unless it's a problem medically and is bringing up unnecessary limits.

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