Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fitness With The Outdoors

The outdoors are a big factor in fitness for myself and a deal of other people I share fitness thoughts with. Aside from the weight room, it's good to go outside and do something physically involving.
Just sitting inside all day long can warp your perspective on life. We humans were meant to be outside during the day time, that's the reason we were created as diurnal beings. We are meant to go outside in the daylight, and feel the sun on our faces.
   We spend time in the gym, we get strong, we look good, but we don't spend enough time outside! We need something, something from the sun, that something makes us even stronger.
   There's a number of good things that the sun gives us. For one, a lot of people talk about vitamin D. Vitamin D is beneficial in a number of ways, such as cell communication, absorbing calcium and phosphorus in our bones. And, gives a little color to your skin.
   The sun also gives us energy, the warmth of it provides better circulation because it obviously warms our blood. We are warm blooded, mammals in general are warm blooded, but, provided assistance by the sun aids in better circulation because it warms our warm blood even more. More questions about this? Read up on it at
  If you're in a place where it tends to rain every now and then, and you don't deal with smog, it's good to get outside, and taste the fresh air! If you go outside to run, ride your bike, play sports, play with your friends at the park, just hang out, have picnics, something outside, anywhere from three times a week to more, you're doing good. It really does help.
   So run, play sports, ride your bike, do pull ups at the park, go rowing, something! Your time in the parking lot from going to work to the gym is not enough! Spend time outside, it will make you feel good!

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