Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cooking It Right

Food is good in any form, so you should prepare it properly if you want the best of it. Now, depending on what kind of food you eat, that's something else to talk about, but the way you prepare has a lot to say about what you're going to get out of it.
Some foods take longer to cook than others, some are better for you cooked, and others are better raw, and others are equally beneficial both ways.
   I'll give you an example. Plantains, if you're going to eat them, you cook them, because they taste better that way. Now, watermelon, you don't cook that, ever. The idea of cooking food is to enhance taste, combine taste, and get rid of any possible bacteria.
   A little later on, I'll talk about and give some recipes on foods that you can eat just about every day and how to make them properly.
   Certain things like meat and eggs should be cooked to rid them of salmonella and other pathogens that cause disease. If you're going to cook your food right, most of the time, you cook it all the way through. I know people (including myself) who always cook their foods that require cooking all of the way through before they eat them, and they are hardly ever sick.
   Depending on how sensitive you are to food in general depends on whether or not you get torn up. But cooking it prevents disease sickness by far. There's a reason man started cooking food because God said to, it keeps us well and brings out nutrients and minerals that you can't get out of raw food.
   So if you're a raw vegan, this post will probably be apostasy to you. But that's okay, because there's very very few of you.
   From talking to vegetarians, I see that the majority does cook their food a lot. It tastes good, you know, use the right oils, the right spices, stir fry a little, man, it's awesome! Now I personally couldn't go through life without use of chicken broth, butter, eggs, and milk. Same goes for the common meats cooked. Fish is something you can eat raw but usually cook.
   Iron and minerals and vitamins and all of that good stuff can brought out of foods if you cook them. So? Cook your food right, until you can smell that it's going to taste good! The right food cooked the right way, will never taste bad.

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