Thursday, February 20, 2014

Exercise No. 25 Elbow Lever

This is super easy if you understand your balance and if you have the turtle freeze down. The elbow lever is a turtle with both elbows in your stomach. You very well know how to do that by now I'm sure, so I'll give some tips on how to do it on a bar with both hands and one hand. I would offer a bar planche tutorial, but I'm not there yet, so just wait.
Elbow levers are also good for the forearms if done on bars because of the gripping strength you'll put into it keeping yourself upright.
   Now don't get cocky, I said these are easy, but that doesn't mean you'll get it on the first round if you're trying it on a bar. In fact, that's what I'm here for, to get you looking like that guy right there, and myself.
   So to begin, you should be able to do a turtle. Learn that first if you haven't, it's in a previous post, give it a look.
   So now we're taking it to your bar workout. Let's get started. Your hands need to face backwards, grip the bar, and when you start out, get into dip position but with your hands close together. Lean forward onto your elbows, your legs will probably be hanging at first, but it's going to an uncomfortable position for the first few tries until you get it.
   Once you get comfortable in the elbow lever with your legs hanging down, make yourself uncomfortable by bringing them up. Your triceps will probably have some say in this as well as your shoulders, but that's more of the balance, not so much strength.
   The only real strength used in this as stated is the forearms. Lean forward, not to the point of falling over, but to the point of when you feel your body start to be straight. Because when learning this on the ground, most people lean forward and their legs go up, but because you're on the bar, you're legs will be facing downwards. It's basic back strength and memory, but build it up to the point of being able to hold your body erect.
   When you get tired of the regular elbow lever, you can get into the one armed elbow lever. Now you should learn the one handed turtle freeze. Stick your elbow further inwards into your stomach, and go through the same steps I took you through, just on one arm.

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