Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Power Output

Your power output depends on a lot of things when you are exercising. When performing a movement that's hard, but doesn't last long, you're power output will usually be different compared to something such as running or cycling for a long distance.
Now, when you have a crowd or a group of people cheering you on, you usually end up being able to conserve energy as you use large amounts of it at the same time, and sometimes, it's just not a good day to do what you're doing.
   Careful what you do when your adrenaline is flowing, sometimes you can really mess yourself up. Injury can happen, muscles can get torn, know what you're doing before you're going to do it. Be sure it's something that you've built yourself up to instead of doing it as something you want to do because you want to be able to say that you're stronger or you're showing off to a bunch of people.
   Individually, we have a certain amount of power output that meets up to our physical standard. That power output can be built up and made stronger as we work to become stronger. It will become larger mentally because you will have more motivation and more idea of what you can do. When you know your strength, your power output will be of knowledge as well.

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