Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Strength Training Times

Yeah yeah, "I don't have time to do any kind of strength training." I hear that a lot, and it's a bunch of crap! If you can't thirty minutes out of your evening away from the doughnut box and the Desperate Housewives marathon, you have no understanding on how to spend your free time.

There's a lot of time you can spend getting in shape. Office's have orders for their employees that they have to get up and walk around, do a few squats or something every few hours after sitting in their chairs. That's good, you could be the one employee that everybody sticks around your office because you're the one person there that likes to do backwards handstands instead of fat person push ups against a wall.
   This blog can be a little offensive, can it not? Well I'm not sorry, you'll just have to deal with it.
   We all have time on our hands. And we can take just a little bit of that time to stay in shape instead of being all jiggly. You can set up specific times to get your exercise, or you can just go about your day and at random intervals take some time to do something that makes you sweat.
   You don't have to have completely specific times, it's ok to actually be unspecific, you can do a workout any time of day as long as you do it. It really doesn't matter whether or not your late to a workout, if you do it that day, you're good.

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