Thursday, April 10, 2014

Strength and Flexibility Combined

So do you ever wonder about being strong and flexible at the same time? Well I can offer tips, not from a professional perspective, but things that will help a lot.
So in actuality, you can lift weights, do four hundred pound dead lifts, three plate bench presses, and heavy squats, but still be able to touch your toes, do the side splits, stick your feet behind your head, and do an air chair.
   It's very simple, you just have to incorporate a stretching program into your workout program. Make sure you do it warm, remember not to bounce in stretches, and you can always do moves that require flexibility, and strength at the same time. Those moves are a great workout for us all because they work the muscles out while putting them to their max potential. So it's in reality, a double benefit.
   Now things like middle splits for guys who do incredibly heavy dead lifts and squats will be a serious challenge because of how tight your hamstrings become from those movements. So they'll either be extremely challenging, or impossible. But with hard work, you can make just about anything possible.

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