Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Exercise No. 27 Rolling Planche Push Ups

This is an exercise few know about, takes substantial strength, but not as much as say real planche push ups do. A good preparation exercise for planche push ups though, and very helpful.
So I'm going to say it, you're not going to be able to do these on the parallel bars. It simply doesn't work that way because the ground is required. So the rolling planche push up, is like a stationary worm. So if you know how to do the worm and push yourself off the ground somewhat, you can do this.
   The prerequisites are important because this is an advanced intermediate exercise. If you have no upper body strength to spare, go back and learn to do about forty or so push ups in a row and then you can learn these.
   So you want to start out like you're doing a beached seal stretch. Lean backwards while you lie stomach first on the floor. Now comes the hard part. Roll forward, and as you roll forward use the momentum from rolling onto your hands to push you up. 
   When you're at your highest and are about to come down, bend at your hips like you're doing an L sit/pike. Don't do this too fast or you'll end up stubbing your toes on the floor unless you're wearing shoes. And keep in mind, if you have jeans or a belt on, the button or the buckle will make these a whole lot harder for you unless you pull your pants up to your mid section.
   Now you're back to your feet, leave your legs limp but don't let your knees bend much when your back onto your stomach and then your hands. You generally shouldn't bend at your knees too much though. Just repeat the entire process and there you go, rolling planche push ups.

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