Monday, April 28, 2014

A Little Motivation

There are normal techniques for motivation, and abnormal techniques, and then there are that one and only brainchild. So what do you do to get motivated for a workout? Let's figure that out for you.

Personally, myself, and friends, will just go on youtube, watch a few videos, get in the mood, and think, "I want to do that!" And we go work out and get ripped and stand upside down on our hands and crud.
   Other people, they go to the gym, see somebody really good looking of the opposite gender and something happens to their muscular structure and they can suddenly lift six times their weight. Whereas others they just simply have the idea of, "do it or get C.O.P.D."
   So it's up to you. I usually think a lot about how great I look after my workout and how great I feel as well. That's usually the main motivation process with your average Joe who likes to workout. So just find your brand of motivation, what's the one thing that makes you feel like doing something impressive? Soon enough you'l find it and you'll get to where you want to be soon enough with your hard work and dedication.

The Fitness Cookie

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