Friday, December 13, 2013

Stronger Bones

Now this is a widely popular topic. Making your bones stronger is a good concern, some way some how without making the hurt.
Now if your trying to make your bones stronger to the point of them hurting, you're doing something wrong. Shin splints are entirely normal if you have just started running or tricking or dancing. I started running and doing front flips at the same time and had shin splints for two and a half weeks. That would just be the process of your legs getting used to having shock go into them. It goes away after a bit.
   So with things like complicated body weight exercises, like chest tap push ups and things of the like, your forearm bones, like your ulna, will hurt for a bit. It's a lot like shin splints because they're getting stronger and used to that motion. Although with sore arm bones since those tend to be a lot more fragile than leg bones, you should give them a rest until they stop being sensitive and then get back to the vigorous activities.
   A lot of things in weightlifting will help with stronger bones. Overhead presses are some of the best exercises for that very purpose because they apply force to all of the bones in your body making them denser and stronger, including the ones that are harder to target.
   Obviously with exercise comes stronger bones just like stronger muscles. Exercise also helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone weakening disorders from happening because your bones will be stronger for longer.
   If you can keep strong bones until your old feeble and can't see down the highway, but you still have no problem walking around the house and doing things like jumping jacks, your good.

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