Saturday, December 21, 2013

Joint Pain

There's a lot of complaints that go around about sore joints. Sore joints hurt, and it's probably for one reason or another or multiple causes.
Your joints can hurt for multiple purposes as I've said. Unnecessary impact, loss of cartilage, unnecessary stress. I've experienced the first and the latter. Both can be seriously unpleasant or not so bad. You can take joint supplements to make things better. If you have arthritis, that would be something to talk to your doctor about. But unnecessary impact and stress can be reversed. Simply by stopping what you're doing.
   Flips for instance, front flips are hard on the joints if you stick them instead of moving afterwards because it's an incredibly stressful movement, and when you keep moving the momentum is still being dispersed until you're done walking which is stress that your body doesn't even recognize.
    People will tell you that, when they didn't know about moving after unnecessary stress on the joints, their knees and ankles hurt for the longest time. It took me about three weeks for my ankles to stop hurting after that.
   And then long exposure to unnecessary stress can really cause some serious joint damage. Weight that you know you can't handle won't go into your muscles completely if it's something very heavy, after being taken in by your muscles, it starts to go into your joints causing minor to sever damage.
   If your joints hurt from doing something like lifting weight, you need to ease up a bit on the weight because the benefits of joint pain in weight lifting are ones you don't want, because those will last the rest of life, and be more prominent than the good results.
   As we all know, destruction is easier to cause than building. It takes years to build a strong powerful body, but it takes only a split second to turn yourself into an extremely weak and damaged cripple.
   It's easy to cause joint damage, simply do things the wrong way and you've got yourself a body that hurts and will refuse to move.
   I've had shoulder joint pain in the past as well as ankle pain. Neither are pleasant, and the shoulder pain was by far the most unpleasant. Ankle pain, you can get used to that because your body knows it will have to use those and your ankles are incredibly resistant to any kind of possible force until they're to the point of breaking or spraining heavily.
   You shoulders are more fragile, strong of course, but still incredibly fragile compared your knees or ankles. And your elbows are also in there too with weakness comparison. Your upper joints are almost as important as your lower joints.
   I will grant, not completely, but very close. Take care of your joints.

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