Monday, December 16, 2013

Fibrous Cuisine

I'm a real lover of fibrous foods. They're really good for replacing the muscular fibers in your body as you exercise. Your recovery time decreases the more fiber you eat and the bigger and stronger your muscles get.
I honestly started seeing better gains when I got into more fibrous foods. I'm not talking just things like raisin bran and kale, yes, kale is excellent, but! There are other things! Pulpy orange juice, even I'm still getting used to it, Ezekiel bread, I love it, fruit in general, poultry, fish, grains, all of those things replace those muscles. And things with fiber are very important to eat when you're breaking down harder muscles to make them stronger. 
   For example, your calves. Probably the hardest muscles in your body, when you break those down with weight lifting or running or calisthenics, you're going to need some serious replacement supplements. And no, not from a packet or jar of artificial supplements, I'm talking from your food too.
   Your food should be able to replace just about everything in your body after you've made yourself sore from certain strenuous activities in just a matter of needed time. It's rather irksome when people complain about how they've been sore for a while, it's usually because they have a diet that has very low fiber. And when you eat a lot of that stuff, the sore you get from working out usually isn't as bad if you eat the right fibrous foods.
   And another thing is, fiber keeps your insides clean. It's a double benefit.

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