Monday, December 23, 2013

Undercover Benefits

While you're exercising and getting fit, undercover benefits are in process.
It really is a work in the process as you exercise. Toxins are spilling out of your body as you sweat. Exercise keeps you just as clean as a clean diet, if not, more.
   When you sweat, you're losing salt and minerals as well. Certain things that are toxic to your body, those combinations, gases, chemicals and other fluids that cause you not feel so good are being lost and excised at the most possible when you're exercises are in the hottest of the most humid and disgusting weather that causes the back of your pants to look like somebody sprayed you with a hose.
   Usually after those days, I feel the best ever because my body so incredibly clean that focusing and exercising and everything of the like that would require anything of the mind is easy and fun. When you focus at first on getting those toxins out of your body through the skin, you'll be able to focus more on power and energy transfer a little better each time because there will be less and less making you better at what you're doing.
   Soon, after enough time, you will have to worry about expelling yesterdays toxins, and that will only be part of your regular workout. It's simple to expel toxins, you don't have to spend any kind of money doing hot yoga or sitting in a sona, simple exercise is more beneficial and uplifting than sitting around with a bunch of fat and stinky people. In exercise, you'll be the only person you can smell. And if you notice, when you workout at a gym, everybody keeps they're distance from the others in fear of getting hurt, or being gagged by noxious body odor fumes.
   To tell the truth, with the complexity of today's foods and how little people drink water and how much they drink sugary beverages, you really can't tell the difference between sweat and a jar of week old urine from somebody who's dehydrated.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Opening The Mind Through Solo Exercise

Through exercise, freedom in the mind is something that will follow greatly.

Like a large field that you run, bicycle, tumble, hop, or walk on your hands through, your mind will open up if you exercise. Any kind of physical activity that you do, sports, dancing, cycling, track, anything, is a perfect way of keeping your spirits and mind up.
   The only thing you should be be concerned about in exercise, is bettering yourself or maintaining that place of strength and agility that you are at.
   When you exercise, your mind will open and expand to certain areas. Because you're doing something with your body and concentrating on that next movement that you are so intent on succeeding at, you won't be thinking only about that. Your mind won't be fully focused on that, about eighty percent is what you're going to be using for full focus, you're going to have other thoughts that are going on at the same time as you exercise. And in between breaks, you will also be thinking on other things than just, "push this way" or "pull that way". It's just entirely inevitable that your thoughts will be going somewhere else, other than that specific movement when you're doing something.
   That's why all of fitness gurus are such legit people when it comes to being thoughtful, because we have a lot of time to think about pretty much everything when we're working out. When you think about everything, you start to think of solutions, and reasons, they start out to be obvious things at first, but then they start to get a little deeper just about every day.
   Deeper and deeper, wider and more open becomes your mind and your thoughts. A lot of people who exercise unless they're sports players or uneducated muscle heads (I'm not saying they're in the same category, just, sports lovers are focused more on sports than  much else) they're going to be very thoughtful with a wide range of understanding.
   You can be an athlete without chasing a ball. Plenty of people do it, I'm one of those people. Sports are good, and also help open the mind. They're excellent, you're just with a bunch of other people doing the same thing, so you're going to be communicating and focusing a little more. 
   Solo exercise is the best way to open the mind and have so many different thoughts at one time while focusing on something completely different. If you're focused on something physically, you're going to be focused on something mentally.
   Opening your mind with the power of exercise is a beneficial activity. If you go into ten degree weather to go running, or ninety five degree humidity to go do pull ups and push ups, that will be a sign of proper devotion meaning you are open to having an open mind, with every movement, your body learns something new.
   I would know about the power of devotion to exercise as of living in Florida. Those humid ninety seven degree days are some of the worse, but also some of the best. The unpleasantness of going outside and watching condensation form on your unicycle frame is by far, one of the worst things. Those are usually the days where I end up resorting to use of petroleum jelly instead of gold bond powder to prevent chaffing.
   In the south, there are days where you step outside and it's like stepping into a sonna. Those are the days where your mind opens up, and frees itself in some of the best way because you're losing a ton of the toxins inside of your body making you feel better and better with every time a drop of water falls from your body.
   And those freezing days where you have to keep moving or the sweat on your back will freeze to the point of prohibiting further movement build just as much character and free the mind as much.
   And those breezy days where you ride your run down the path in the park are probably the best days to open your mind. But either way, when you start exercising, discomfort will happen, after a while, it'll start to feel good, and your mind will begin to open even more.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Joint Pain

There's a lot of complaints that go around about sore joints. Sore joints hurt, and it's probably for one reason or another or multiple causes.
Your joints can hurt for multiple purposes as I've said. Unnecessary impact, loss of cartilage, unnecessary stress. I've experienced the first and the latter. Both can be seriously unpleasant or not so bad. You can take joint supplements to make things better. If you have arthritis, that would be something to talk to your doctor about. But unnecessary impact and stress can be reversed. Simply by stopping what you're doing.
   Flips for instance, front flips are hard on the joints if you stick them instead of moving afterwards because it's an incredibly stressful movement, and when you keep moving the momentum is still being dispersed until you're done walking which is stress that your body doesn't even recognize.
    People will tell you that, when they didn't know about moving after unnecessary stress on the joints, their knees and ankles hurt for the longest time. It took me about three weeks for my ankles to stop hurting after that.
   And then long exposure to unnecessary stress can really cause some serious joint damage. Weight that you know you can't handle won't go into your muscles completely if it's something very heavy, after being taken in by your muscles, it starts to go into your joints causing minor to sever damage.
   If your joints hurt from doing something like lifting weight, you need to ease up a bit on the weight because the benefits of joint pain in weight lifting are ones you don't want, because those will last the rest of life, and be more prominent than the good results.
   As we all know, destruction is easier to cause than building. It takes years to build a strong powerful body, but it takes only a split second to turn yourself into an extremely weak and damaged cripple.
   It's easy to cause joint damage, simply do things the wrong way and you've got yourself a body that hurts and will refuse to move.
   I've had shoulder joint pain in the past as well as ankle pain. Neither are pleasant, and the shoulder pain was by far the most unpleasant. Ankle pain, you can get used to that because your body knows it will have to use those and your ankles are incredibly resistant to any kind of possible force until they're to the point of breaking or spraining heavily.
   You shoulders are more fragile, strong of course, but still incredibly fragile compared your knees or ankles. And your elbows are also in there too with weakness comparison. Your upper joints are almost as important as your lower joints.
   I will grant, not completely, but very close. Take care of your joints.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Balance would be a popular topic in fitness. Chances are, if you're fat, you fall over more than your skinny or fit friends. When you're in good shape, your chances of losing balance are very low.

It's been years since I've fallen over or tripped, literally! The only time I fall over is when I'm tricking or break dancing, and most of the time when that happens, I so happen to be on my hands. Truth be told, most people usually fall over on their hands more than they would on their feet.
   And you fall off of a lot of things if you do parkour as well. But this isn't a post about hip and knee damage, that's for next time.
   With fitness comes balance, if you run, you will have more balance, if you do calisthenics, you will have more balance, if you dance, you will have more balance, if you trick, you will have more balance, if you do parkour, you will go to school with hip and knee injuries, if you tumble, you will have more balance, if you lift weights, you will have more balance, if you cycle, you will have more balance. Any kind of exercise, will make you stronger, and when you are stronger and you're working your stabilizer muscles unless you're on a universal machine.
   Exercise machines don't really help with balance since they specifically target the muscle group you're supposed to use. That's why things like calisthenics and weightlifting are recommended by a lot more than machines. Look it up.
   If you want balance, learn how to ride a unicycle. I really should post about learning how to ride one of those because they really are a lot of fun. Since I started riding one, my balance on my feet is even better.
   Balance is heavily located in the core. If you have a strong core, your balance is going to be very high. In things like gymnastics and break dancing, the main thing they talk about, is the core. Core balance, if you're tight in your core, you're tight everywhere else because the strength and balance spreads throughout your  entire body.
   Your core consisting of your abdominals, obliques, lower and mid back. They all are extremely important in balance. It's quite obvious if you think about it, if you're on your feet running, or doing something like a handstand, the part of your body that's higher up is what makes we humans top heavy, so your core is going to keep that steady. That's why your core is surrounded entirely in muscle. For ease in balance and protection of vital organs.
   If you can keep perfect control of your legs when your upside down, you're doing pretty good. Handstands, planches, doing stuff in headstands, elbow stands, things of the like, will give you considerable core balance.
   If you can handle your body weight excellently on a pull up bar, your core will become immensely powerful. I've done a good number of pull ups in my day, and succeeded in back levers and front levers, toe to bar leg raises, muscle ups, human flag, and a few other things, I'll say that my core has become extremely powerful from constant bar workouts. It really helps, and my balance is excellent.
   To have good balance, you need to have a strong core.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Strong Sore and Weak Sore

When you're strong and your sore, it's probably from a workout, when you're weak and your sore, it's probably from your body being lazy. I'll explain it to you.
You see, when you're strong, and your sore, chances are it's because your muscles have been broken down from lifting weights and they're going through the healing process. That rebuild process takes a little time, your muscles are packing on density and retaining more water and things of the like to become even stronger than they last were so that shock won't be so bad. You're body is telling you take a day or two off, to heal and get better. Now there's a difference between sore and hurt, usually hurt means injury and not two days to get better from lifting, it usually means a few weeks so you won't cause serious damage to your body in the process of another workout.
   Being sore from exercise is a good kind of sore, it means your body is making itself stronger. Being sore from being lazy is a bad kind of sore, if I'm correct, that means something is wrong with you and you need to do something about it.
   Doctors can't really find out what makes your back just hurt in general if you don't do anything. But I make few remarks and say that when you do nothing, like sit in a chair all day at work and eat potato chips and watch soap operas when you get home, the chances of a sore back are quite high because you do little, and it's easy for it get out of place, and it has to keep itself in place, so when you pick something up with a weak back, it's going to hurt because it's slightly being tugged at and it's not used to that happening. So after a while daily tasks become a slight problem because they're causing that back pain you get once in a while.
   Also, there's the cause of your back becoming sore because you've slipped a disk in one way or another. Your back is usually weak when you slip a disk, because you've picked up something too heavy and you don't have much muscle to hold those disks in place and you've probably picked up the box in the wrong way.
   If you back is strong, with muscle to spare when you pick something heavy up, it usually holds the spinal disks in place, and keeps them from slipping out. Your vertebrate is designed to be surrounded by strong muscle, that muscle helps you lift things and pick them up. I'm not talking just about boxes and weights, I'm talking about your upper body as well. If you're one of those people who bends over and your back goes out, you're a perfect example of poor back strength. You're top heavy without any muscle to hold it up, and your body can't handle things like that.
   Having a strong back prevents injuries in so many ways. You can ear it from body weight exercises or weightlifting. It really don't matter much how you do it, if you just have a strong back, it'll keep you out of trouble.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fibrous Cuisine

I'm a real lover of fibrous foods. They're really good for replacing the muscular fibers in your body as you exercise. Your recovery time decreases the more fiber you eat and the bigger and stronger your muscles get.
I honestly started seeing better gains when I got into more fibrous foods. I'm not talking just things like raisin bran and kale, yes, kale is excellent, but! There are other things! Pulpy orange juice, even I'm still getting used to it, Ezekiel bread, I love it, fruit in general, poultry, fish, grains, all of those things replace those muscles. And things with fiber are very important to eat when you're breaking down harder muscles to make them stronger. 
   For example, your calves. Probably the hardest muscles in your body, when you break those down with weight lifting or running or calisthenics, you're going to need some serious replacement supplements. And no, not from a packet or jar of artificial supplements, I'm talking from your food too.
   Your food should be able to replace just about everything in your body after you've made yourself sore from certain strenuous activities in just a matter of needed time. It's rather irksome when people complain about how they've been sore for a while, it's usually because they have a diet that has very low fiber. And when you eat a lot of that stuff, the sore you get from working out usually isn't as bad if you eat the right fibrous foods.
   And another thing is, fiber keeps your insides clean. It's a double benefit.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chewy Smoothies Vs Tasty Smoothies

I tell you people, if you're drinking or eating something good for you, you should at least be able to enjoy it.
Now, I've seen people go after the smoothies and chew them like beef jerky there's so much kale in there! That's okay if you like it, but I'm telling you, it's better to be able to enjoy something that's good for you than try to crunch through it like a block of oak wood. Oak wood doesn't taste so great for future reference unless you happen to be a beaver who can read.
   Fruit smoothies? Yes, I think they're quite good, with kale? NO! If I'm handed a green smoothie it's all I can do to drink it than scream and pour it into the toilet where it belongs.
   If you like green smoothies, no problem, they're great for you and help with cleaning the system! You can do other clean out and detox programs, but those happen to be a little brutal whereas straight up smoothies on a regular occasion help out with just being clean on the inside. It's natures steel wool.
   Scrub a dub dub.
   So if you think your smoothies or juices should taste like gym sock juice with Castile soap, that's your own way of doing things, I'll just say, it's easier to stay healthy if what you're eating or drinking tastes good. I always enjoy putting in some cranberry pomegranate juice with frozen strawberries and watermelon and kiwi.
   Adding thing like butane and gravel to your smoothies isn't okay though, if your smoothie is to the point where you're starting to think it's hazardous to your health, you should probably have stopped around the depleted uranium. That doesn't make you lose weight or get stronger, it makes you very very sick.
   Being healthy is a good thing, and shakes can help out with that. Chewy or not, whichever way you enjoy it, they're good to have and are usually best fresh. Keep strong.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Stronger Bones

Now this is a widely popular topic. Making your bones stronger is a good concern, some way some how without making the hurt.
Now if your trying to make your bones stronger to the point of them hurting, you're doing something wrong. Shin splints are entirely normal if you have just started running or tricking or dancing. I started running and doing front flips at the same time and had shin splints for two and a half weeks. That would just be the process of your legs getting used to having shock go into them. It goes away after a bit.
   So with things like complicated body weight exercises, like chest tap push ups and things of the like, your forearm bones, like your ulna, will hurt for a bit. It's a lot like shin splints because they're getting stronger and used to that motion. Although with sore arm bones since those tend to be a lot more fragile than leg bones, you should give them a rest until they stop being sensitive and then get back to the vigorous activities.
   A lot of things in weightlifting will help with stronger bones. Overhead presses are some of the best exercises for that very purpose because they apply force to all of the bones in your body making them denser and stronger, including the ones that are harder to target.
   Obviously with exercise comes stronger bones just like stronger muscles. Exercise also helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone weakening disorders from happening because your bones will be stronger for longer.
   If you can keep strong bones until your old feeble and can't see down the highway, but you still have no problem walking around the house and doing things like jumping jacks, your good.