Thursday, May 15, 2014

Strain Resistance and Recovery

So occasionally you will get into an exercise that is something you have never done before that is entirely new and different to your body and the strain and energy required will you leave sore and exhausted. So I'll give some tips on the recovery and how to build a resistance to it so it won't hurt anymore.

There's really a lot that will do this. And the worst is when it makes your bones hurt because of how hard it is on your on your body in the beginning.
   There are different things that makes us all sore and break our bodies down in individually different ways. Say you jumped right into super intense calisthenics. You do a series of different push ups that require your hands to leave the ground, you jumping squats, pistol squats, explosive pull ups and everything your body will allow you to do.
   You do so many of these things that by the end of the day, you're so fatigued and exhausted that you're limping to the car when it's time you go home and you can't walk right the next day, your body will be going through an massive recovery process.
   Exercises that are jarring to the body cause it to break down and then rebuild itself to the point of being able to recover from that exercise and also withstand it.
   There's a point of exercise where your bones will become sore as well as your muscles and you have to take a short break from things. What happens is that your bones have been broken down in small areas and sometimes micro fractures can develop. So you really have to be careful about certain things and take a nice long rest to let your body repair itself.
   But the good part about it is, is that once you are fully recovered your body is twice as strong. The same amount of exercise you had previously brought upon yourself will now be done with ease.
   Occasionally though, you will have to go through the same process of breaking your body down before you get into progression.
   You can also think of recovery as progression. Because when you recover the second time from something, it should not be as bad as recovering the first time. Make sense?
   So with recovery comes your resistance to the strain you put your body to in the first place. Making daily tasks and the occasional things that life puts you up against less of a hassle and even non tiring.

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