Thursday, May 15, 2014

Parallel Body and Straight Elbows

So in a previous planche tips post, I gave some good strength requirement tips and all, but it turns out I have a few more words on this.
So first off, in the picture, his toes aren't weird, it's just angle he's holding his feet at.
   To begin with, out of discovery for seeing things my self, the planche is so much of your frontal deltoids that it's rediculous with how strong they actually have to be to be able to hold you up in the first place with the position your put your hands in.
   To begin, if you want your elbows to be straight, your hands need to face diagonally outwards, to the point of your thumbs facing towards each other. This is for when you're still getting the finger tip planche down, but later on when you're comfortable with that, feel free to start experimenting with different hand placement and positions.
   Get the handstand and handstand push ups down for basic strength as I also said earlier on. But to be able to hold your body parallel with the ground, either try it out of a tuck planche, but lately I've been noticing it's just better if you lean forward onto your hands or fingertips and push your feet from the ground to the point of your body being parallel and holding that position as long as you can. The progression has been coming along a lot faster than when I started training.
   It's the general motion that you're trying to get down. At first it will feel like an entirely illogical motion because you won't be able to hold it even a second, but after a few weeks of practice you will start to notice differences and progression.
   Continue on my friends.

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