Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Exercise No. 15 Elbow Stand

I would consider elbow stands a lot of fun. Easy to learn if you already know how to handstand, and somewhat impressive. So, to learn, you must know what to do.
I'll quickly note that I intend no copyright to How Cast for the picture.
   You can either stand with one elbow on the ground, or both in the elbow stand. Your basic handstand balance is technically just at a lower center of gravity, and if you just get into these, I recommend being a little careful so you won't hyper extend your triceps.
Elbow Stand:
   The first variation is to put one elbow on the ground, and your hand on the other side. hang your legs as needed, or split them, and find your center of gravity. It's a lot like a handstand, so the center of gravity in your elbow will be further back, in your lower forearm and actual elbow.
   The second variation which is both elbows, a little more challenging, for those of you who have your elbows bending backwards in handstands, be a little careful in this. Your center of gravity once both elbows are placed on the ground in your lower forearm and elbow. Not to mention when you start out, I strongly suggest you first try it with your legs hung over because when they're straight up you don't know exactly how to balance them out fully yet and lean them at the right angle. Full  elbow stands require a bit of arch in the back. So enjoy and good luck!

- The Fitness Cookie

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