Friday, September 6, 2013

Continuing to Eat Right

I'm going to ask you right now, have you been eating good lately? Check yes, or check no. If you've checked no, we've got a problem that has need to be dealt with.
I like that picture there because it has lots of colors...
   Working out requires food that gives you energy, and when you work out, the food you're eating should not only give you energy, but it should feel like a charge from the very circuits of a nuclear power plant. I'm being dramatic here, but white pancakes or captain crunch is suicide for weightlifting and running.
   If you don't give your body something to burn as well, it starts to burn muscle. I'm not sure if burning muscle for energy causes pain, but it definitely causes physical difficulty. Severe, physical difficulty. If you're burning muscle, you get weaker, and instead of muscular progression, you will see muscular digression.
   Also, in working out and eating healthy, if you're doing things like pull ups, eating healthy gives you stronger skin so things like blisters don't happen so much. Also, eating healthy gives you the ability to have quicker muscle repair time and less adjustment time. You see, with certain exercises, you get sore for a bit, and then you stop being sore and just get stronger the more you push yourself with those exercises. For me personally, the only thing that can really cause me to get sore is weightlifting, really really hard weight lifting. Like a crap load of reps with hundreds of pounds and then hitting up the dumbbells rather violently after the barbell and more crap loads of reps with lots of pounds on each side.
   Now for you, the person reading this blog, you might very well have a serious problem with getting really sore. Eating healthy can help with that. When you don't eat fat cakes and preserved foods and stuff all day long, and your diet is hearty grains, fish, not stake and potatoes all day, and fruits and veggies and all that good for you stuff, you won't have a need for that whey sharze that makes your muscles grow back together because your body is lacking those things that put it back together.
   You shouldn't have to take some kind of protein supplement to make your muscles grow back together and get stronger than last time, your food that you're eating should be doing that for you.
   So healthy eating adds to stronger better muscles, quicker repair time, stronger skin, stronger teeth, a definite better complexion and just feeling good in general.

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