Ever wanted to know how to do flagpole push ups? They're a great workout. But here's the secret to getting results from them, you have to be able to do them on both sides. Got it? Great. Let's get to work!
So, how do you learn? First, you need a good flag pole. You ought to be able to hold yourself out with straight legs for a good ten to fifteen seconds. It's hard, I know, but this will give you the core strength and stability for this challenging movement.
This is a very involving movement. You need to hold your body in alignment with the pole. If your stomach is facing upwards, you will either dislocate your shoulder, it's going to hurt, or you are superhuman. But then again, I'm super human too. :D
I recommend before you do these you be able to do a solid amount of handstand push ups, and window wipers. Your core strength is about three quarters of this. And then from there it's your upper body strength.
When you go into the flag position, you can't let your arm on the top go limp. Hold everything tightly, but control your muscles. It's like a mixture of a pull up and a handstand push up really. In fact, that's what'd I say a human flag pole push up is. A handstand push up and a pull up. Huh, who knew? There you go. Go from there! Enjoy! And practice safely.
-The Fitness Cookie
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