Monday, April 13, 2015

Resting Time

I'll make whoever is reading this happy by saying that becoming fit requires adequate rest. Proper sleep, and proper time away from working out specific muscle groups after you break them down. 
Every muscle group you work out needs at least 36 to 48 hours rest between a thorough break down. Now some people may have the ability to do a lot, and be able to work the exact set of muscles out again the next day but that's because their body response is so used to that that it's no more than day to day living. 
   But even the best of the best need rest. Everyone has their muscular tissue break down limit. And so you need to rest and let those fibers come back together and bond stronger.
   Now another thing is, if you work out, you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep. 10 At the most as an option. Studies show that sleeping too much is bad for your health. But sleep is a recharge of the body, your eyes take up to 50% of your daily energy, so the other 50% is going to breaking your body down. And at the end of the day when you're spent, you need rest to bring your 0% to 100%. Some days when you're sore, like days off and such, it's a good idea to not workout and let things rejuvenate further.
   Get your rest.

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