Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Get Tougher

There is one thing that comes with fitness and that would be making your body tougher. There's a certain kind of fitness that makes you much tougher than regular old boring fitness. A time required task, with proper training and a good number of days spent being sore in weird areas of the body, you can get there.
This is a large topic to cover. I have a lot to talk about. But to begin with, we each have our own methods of empowering our bodies to resist what we want them to resist. It can go from being tough enough to handle a punch or two from a school yard bully, to being able to break a stack of bricks with your hand.
   Now, there is pain involved in becoming stronger and resilient to forms of pain and force that you want to avoid. The human body rather incredibly can handle a number of horrendous things with proper training and by the abuse it's put through, it strengthens itself and lasts even longer than if you do nothing to it.
   Now why is that? When something rebuilds itself, by courtesy of creation, makes itself even better and stronger. It's like when you remodel a house that's filled with press-board and hideous furniture and you fill it with wood, granite counter tops, and leather furniture.
   It's a lot like a home really. In fact, your body is a home. The housing of your soul and spirit is something you want to take care of, but you can abuse it properly and call that a form of care. It's like gutting a home and filling it with strong lasting materials. You hurt for a while, and things become depleted, but they toughen up every time they don't hurt anymore.
   Now I'll tell you why I say things when I refer to becoming tougher. When you become tougher, it's not just your muscle mass and density as such. Your joints, feet and palm padding, bones, muscles, and tendons all become harder, thicker, and stronger.
   Simply enough, you cannot achieve so desired "toughness" by just, exercising. You have a required style of physical exertion to incorporate into your exercise if you want to develop a shock resistant body that can offer any desired and controlled force as well.
   So, to be tough and build muscle at the same time, you can choose the form of exercise that gives that to you, or you could choose multiple forms which would offer it.
   Now as you know, martial arts is excellent to do to become tough. What if you want to be one of those super tough people that can fight and stand on their thumbs?
   Hardening your bones starts with a series of options. Weight lifting hardens everything, but what I've discovered does as well and does an incredible job at that is body weight training. Repetitive motion from plyometric push ups hardens your rib cage, turtle freezes and elbow levers toughen your stomach, bar workouts give you a wall of muscle on your stomach, and there's so much.
   Body weight I can tell you gives you strong, flexible, bones that are very hard. Weight lifting gives you strong hard bones that are thicker and more powerful. Combined together, it causes your bone and muscle structure to remain in a state to where you body can easily lift itself, but is also dense and hard enough to remain steady and strong to support your weight and much more.
   On top of this, you will also have the power to offer immense force in any shape fashion or form if you combine strength training with explosive exercises. You have the force of a low geared truck, but the speed of a jet fighter with this kind of combination, and if your physic is strong enough to deal with that kind of power, it's tough enough to receive what you need it to.

-The Fitness Cookie

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Mindset For Becoming Fit

There's a place in your mind you reach when you want to get fit. Then there's a place in your mind you reach when you start doing it. And then there's another you reach when you make it a habit and it takes effect on your lifestyle and physic.
So there's the weight you want to lose if you're heavy, there's the weight you want to gain if you're a twerp, and there's the physic you want to achieve if you're somewhere in between.
   So how do you get somewhere with this mind set? There's a lot to it. I'll begin with the habits of good and the habits of bad that many are quite unfamiliar with but ought to be.
   To begin, you have bad habits. I'll talk about these first. A bad habit is something hardwired into the mind. It's the design of the natural man to follow bad habits, and they're easy to fall into. There's a thing, you call falling out of a good habit falling out because it's easy to leave it, and then you call breaking a bad habit breaking it because bad habits bind you.
   The psychology behind bad habits is simple enough. You fall into it without an issue. Bad habits are easy, because the mind looks for something easy, so it's easy to fall in,  but it's harder to keep it up without even realizing it.
   You may get tired from a healthy lifestyle, but that's supposed to happen. If you over consume food, don't sleep enough, sit around too much, your body becomes lazy and gets tired from the energy  you consume daily because it can't feed it enough and you're not restoring it properly.
   Being overweight causes discharge of too much energy because you also have excess body mass to carry around and that's hard on the system. Everything from your bones  to your heart having to pump all of that blood everywhere. It's easy sitting around to your mind because you don't have to push and work mentally. But physically in the places you don't have to conceive thoughts and such, your mind and body are in overload.
   So on that, I'll go to good habits.
   Good habits take work to keep up, and work pays off with time. It takes a while to get into good habits, you don't fall, you climb. Climbing is good for the body, did I mention that?
   A good habit requires time, dedication, and motivation. Your personal dedication should be enough for your motivation, consider it a concept...
   To work yourself into a good habit, you work one step at a time. The first step would be wanting to get fit. The second step is getting the idea of what you will be doing. The third? How to start. The fourth is when to start. Fifth is starting. Sixth is doing something. And they keep going on as you move into changing your habits and physic. It's all hard stuff, working there, getting there,  and staying there.
   Once your there, it's easy to stay there. Progression feels good, motivation is fun, and strength is something that you don't use when you open the mayo jar.
   So your mindset all begins with thinking about it, and then step by step as you build yourself up, you notice changes in how you feel, look, and see yourself. Perspective changes, life becomes brighter, your world looks better, and even on rainy days the sun shines.
    The trail to fitness, is learning how to strengthen your body,  anywhere and in any way. Step along, there's stones and such to cross, but you work your way over and around them, and you get better with each one.
   A day can be changed with just a little bit of physical exertion and training for a few minutes, makes all the different, you're not tired anymore, and you feel better.
   Join the trail, it's been tread on many times, left, and found again, lost forever, and found until death, and will stay around for forever. It's never too late to do your body good, and you can do it that good now. Let the light of fitness shine on your day, it fixes many ailments and changes your body to something you love and  cherish because you take such good care of it.
   You can turn rocks into gold, and you can do the same with your body.