Through exercise, freedom in the mind is something that will follow greatly.
Like a large field that you run, bicycle, tumble, hop, or walk on your hands through, your mind will open up if you exercise. Any kind of physical activity that you do, sports, dancing, cycling, track, anything, is a perfect way of keeping your spirits and mind up.
The only thing you should be be concerned about in exercise, is bettering yourself or maintaining that place of strength and agility that you are at.
When you exercise, your mind will open and expand to certain areas. Because you're doing something with your body and concentrating on that next movement that you are so intent on succeeding at, you won't be thinking only about that. Your mind won't be fully focused on that, about eighty percent is what you're going to be using for full focus, you're going to have other thoughts that are going on at the same time as you exercise. And in between breaks, you will also be thinking on other things than just, "push this way" or "pull that way". It's just entirely inevitable that your thoughts will be going somewhere else, other than that specific movement when you're doing something.
That's why all of fitness gurus are such legit people when it comes to being thoughtful, because we have a lot of time to think about pretty much everything when we're working out. When you think about everything, you start to think of solutions, and reasons, they start out to be obvious things at first, but then they start to get a little deeper just about every day.
Deeper and deeper, wider and more open becomes your mind and your thoughts. A lot of people who exercise unless they're sports players or uneducated muscle heads (I'm not saying they're in the same category, just, sports lovers are focused more on sports than much else) they're going to be very thoughtful with a wide range of understanding.
You can be an athlete without chasing a ball. Plenty of people do it, I'm one of those people. Sports are good, and also help open the mind. They're excellent, you're just with a bunch of other people doing the same thing, so you're going to be communicating and focusing a little more.
Solo exercise is the best way to open the mind and have so many different thoughts at one time while focusing on something completely different. If you're focused on something physically, you're going to be focused on something mentally.
Opening your mind with the power of exercise is a beneficial activity. If you go into ten degree weather to go running, or ninety five degree humidity to go do pull ups and push ups, that will be a sign of proper devotion meaning you are open to having an open mind, with every movement, your body learns something new.
I would know about the power of devotion to exercise as of living in Florida. Those humid ninety seven degree days are some of the worse, but also some of the best. The unpleasantness of going outside and watching condensation form on your unicycle frame is by far, one of the worst things. Those are usually the days where I end up resorting to use of petroleum jelly instead of gold bond powder to prevent chaffing.
In the south, there are days where you step outside and it's like stepping into a sonna. Those are the days where your mind opens up, and frees itself in some of the best way because you're losing a ton of the toxins inside of your body making you feel better and better with every time a drop of water falls from your body.
And those freezing days where you have to keep moving or the sweat on your back will freeze to the point of prohibiting further movement build just as much character and free the mind as much.
And those breezy days where you ride your run down the path in the park are probably the best days to open your mind. But either way, when you start exercising, discomfort will happen, after a while, it'll start to feel good, and your mind will begin to open even more.